Экспертиза и диагностирование

Техническое обслуживание и ремонт
115533, г. Москва, ул. Нагатинская, д. 5.
+7 (495) 229-23-04(700) 9-74-75(700) 9-74-90
On foot: From the metro station "Nagatinskaja" (the last car from the center) exit from the subway to the right, then again to the right. Coming out of the subway go the tram tracks and move in the direction of the Savings Bank, then turn left and go straight to the pedestrian crossing in front of you will be building Jewelry Factory, clicking on the pedestrian crossing walk straight 150 meters, on the left side is parking and a porch with an iron door. -
By tram: From the metro station "Nagatinskaja" (the last car from the center) exit from the subway to the right, then again to the right. Coming out of the subway go the tram tracks and move in the direction of the Savings Bank, then turn left and go straight to the pedestrian crossing in front of you will be building Jewelry Factory, clicking on the pedestrian crossing walk straight 150 meters, on the left side is parking and a porch with an iron door. -
By car: To drive to the parking lot "GAZMASHPROEKT" car only if you have a pass
140180, Московская область, г. Жуковский, ул. Гастелло, д. 1а
+7 (495) 580-58-46(700) 9-74-78(700) 9-74-79
On foot: By public transport one of the following options: In Kazan electric train directions from the station "Moscow Kazan" platform to "Rest", then walk 1.3 km In the taxi from the metro station "Vykhino" to the stop "Hospital", then walk 1.4 km. -
By tram: In Kazan electric train directions from the station "Moscow Kazan" platform to "Rest", then walk 1.3 km -
By car: The Congress of the Moscow Ring Road on Novoryazanskoye highway, then exit onto the street May Day, then Bykovsky highway, Lermontov Avenue, and then along the street Pravolineynoy before the Congress on the street. Gastello. Total distance from the motorway to Moscow apart subdivision is 24 km away.
416154, Астраханская область, Красноярский район, поселок Аксарайский, ул. Строителей, д. 5а литер К
+7 (495) 229-23-04(700) 9-74-75(700) 9-74-90
On foot: Bus number 200 from the bus station to the city of Astrakhan Astrakhan gas processing plant. The branch is located on the territory of the Astrakhan gas processing plant. -
By car: Take the highway A340 / E40 to Volgograd-Astrakhan Astrakhan gas processing plant . The branch is located on the territory of the Astrakhan gas processing plant.
460044, Оренбургская область, г. Оренбург, ул. Сергея Лазо, д. 14, помещение 3
+7 (3532) 67-07-15+7(3532) 66-06-46(700) 9-74-76
On foot: From the airport by bus №101 to a stop 23 minutes neighborhood, change to bus number 67 number 61 №21, 45 to stop Sergei Lazo. We go back 20 meters to Sergei Lazo street, turn to the left and go straight 600 meters to the branch of LLC "GAZMASHPROEKT". -
By car: Type in browser address Orenburg, ul. Sergey Lazo, d. 14